Michael Jackson Papercut


Hi all,

This week in Project ArSa, I am back with a throwback project of mine. The silhouette paper cut of Michael Jackson. I have wanted to do a silhouette paper cut for a long time and was looking for the best pose. I finalized on this MJ pose. The first major step involved in designing was to refining the image and connect lonely islands so that they don’t get cut away from the main cut. Here is my work in progress at first break.

I was pretty happy with my progress. Then came a tragedy. I came upon this big island which split my main cut into two.

As you can see, this was beyond repair. so I went on and fixed the error and started to cut fresh and finished the piece.

Here is my favorite multi-colored collage.

Hop over to Apratim and check out my BFF’s version for our Project ArSa.



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